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Objectives and Functions

The principal object of CAMCO will be to promote the diversified, sustainable and modern agriculture activities in the interests of all its members to help them attain their social, economic betterment through self-help and mutual aid in accordance with the cooperative principles.


  • To motivate members to undertake conventional, non-conventional or modern agricultural, Horticulture, floriculture and sustainable Agriculture production;

  • To undertake agricultural & allied agricultural activities such as horticulture, dairy, fisheries and poultry and to establish their processing plants;

  • To open, operate or promote Horticultural, Floricultural, Conventional & Non-Conventional Agricultural crops, Social forestry, herbal crops and other ancillary activities;

  • To undertake, run or manage activities and project(s) of poultry or live-stock farming, goat farming, cow and/or buffalo farming and run, operate, establish or manage milk processing plant(s) and such other objects as may be feasible for promotion of its objects.

  • To promote the use of cow dung and cow urine for the purpose of manufacture or production of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticide;

  • To participate in various programs initiated by the State or the Government of India for improvement and betterment of Agricultural activities, poultry, fisheries, Horticulture or Floriculture or their labourers;

  • To undertake purchase of agriculture products from members and to market the same for the benefit of members.

  • To supply agricultural inputs such as manure, seeds, fertilizers and agriculture implements etc. to the members.

  • To organize consultancy work in agricultural fields for the benefit of the members/cooperative institutions in general and for its members in particular.

  • To arrange for the training & education of employees/farmers of marketing/processing/supply cooperative societies in collaboration with other institutes & agencies.

  • To undertake grading, packing and standardization of agricultural produce.

  • To act as an agency under Price Support Scheme and Market Intervention Scheme of the central / state / local bodies for the benefit of members/ farmers.

  • To act as agency for Handling and transportation of various agricultural commodities for the benefit of members.

  • To promote, establish, own, hire or operate Agro-Market places in online and/or offline mode;

  • In order to economise & increase Agriculture production of members CAMCO shall do the needful to exploit solar energy and shall encourage installations of solar energy and related equipment among its members and others.

  • To undertake all such activities so as to undertake and make available water for irrigation or potable safe drinking water;

  • To establish, manage, continue, administer, maintain and conduct activities to convert waste into organic fertilizer;

  • To provide effective & efficient logistics & transportation system & support to its members for movement of goods;

  • To act as a warehousing agent under the warehouse act and to take on rent or own godown(s), cold storage (s) and other premises for the use of members to ensure the agricultural produce to be stored in safe, hygienic, dry & rodent free conditions;

  • To participate in land allotment schemes of agricultural land from the govt. and bodies for production of agriculture, horticulture, forestry, and medicinal plants products, to make arrangements for the production of seeds, multification of seeds and seeds processing.

  • To adopt, make aware and provide existing and/or latest technological development of sustainable and modern agriculture practices and management to members;

  • To undertake all such activities which are supplementary and conductive to the attainment of all or any of the above stated objects;

  • To undertake or make arrangements for the supply of agricultural implements, tools, equipment, manure, seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, animal ration, cattle feeds and other requirements connected with agricultural production and such other articles of domestic or farm use or as may be required from time to time;

  • To undertake or make arrangements for the storage, logistics and marketing of agriculture, horticulture or floriculture produce of its members at various locations across the Society’s area of operations;

  • To establish processing units by the society itself or in collaboration of or in a joint venture with any other cooperative society, multi-state cooperative society and govt. agency.

  • To arrange, undertake or run common village services, such as flour mills, fodder cutters etc.;

  • To establish village level custom hiring centre for farm machinery and other agricultural equipment for members in particular and other farming community in general.

  • To appoint, officers, employees and consultants or to outsource any agency to carry out any activities of CAMCO;

  • To become member of National Co-operative Societies & Multi-state Cooperative Societies by subscribing in the Share Capital of such societies.

  • To undertake, execute and perform all acts, deeds, matters and things necessary or expedient for the attainment of the objects of CAMCO;

  • To do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of any or all of the above objects including but not limited to acting as distributor, wholesaler, retailer, agent, representative, broker, commission agent, C&F agent, etc.

  • To carry on import & export of agriculture produce, by-products, equipment, machinery, insecticides, pesticides, fertilizers, packaging items, etc. & all such goods required for the betterment of production or sale of members in particular and other farming community in general.

  • To undertake production and/or processing of agricultural items including mushroom, and agro-based items and food products, including sugar, fruit and vegetable processing, starch products, and fibre board, molasses-based products.

  • To prepare, manufacture, process, market, trade, import, export, improve, sell and deal in all kinds of agro/agri/food products including but not limited to spices, oil seeds, grains, vegetables, herbs, pickles, milk and its products and cattle feeds and others

  • To undertake production, processing, manufacture, sale, distribution, marketing, import, export and to otherwise deal in fertilizers.

Registered Office

525 Rajput Nagar Bharouli Road , Bhind Madhya Pradesh - 477001

Working Hours

Mon - Fri: 10am - 6pm

​​Saturday: 10am - 6pm

​Sunday: Holiday

Contact Info

Tel: 9826260123 ; 9424853300

Email :

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