Our Story
Chambal Agriculture Marketing Co-operative Ltd, Processing and Retailing Cooperatives , (CAMCO) has been established under the Multi-State Cooperative Societies Act 2002 and registered on 15th January, 2021 by the Joint Secretary & Central Registrar, Cooperative Societies in the Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India at Registration No. MSCS/CR/1305/2021. The membership of (CAMCO) is 72 comprising of the State Level Federations, Distt Level Federations and large size/primary level societies from States and Ut's of India i.e. the States of Madhya Pradesh & Uttar Pradesh
The (CAMCO) , being a Multi-State Cooperative Federation could establish branches or place of business anywhere in the country in accordance with Section 39 of the MSCS Act 2002. The commercial operations of the (CAMCO) are undertaken on all India level through its Head Office in New Madhya Pradesh & Uttar Pradesh and Branches / Sub-Branches / Warehouses functioning in the State Capitals and other important cities / procuring centers.
Procurement of wheat, paddy/rice, pulses, oil-seeds, during Khariff and Rabi Crops seasons from the regulated markets for supply to Govt. Departments, Public Sectors Undertakings, Cooperatives and other Organizations and also under MSP Scheme of Govt of India, as nominated Agency of State Governments.The whole pulses are also processed as per demand of the buyers and supplied
Supply of hybrid vegetables, flowers and fruit seeds, flower bulbs and Rhizomes, Imported and Domestic Gladiolus Bulbs, Lilium and Tuberous Single and Double, Planting materials viz. Gerbera, Carnation, Roses, Anthuirum, Orchid etc. and Fruits Plants i.e. Banana, Strawberry, Guaya. Mango Lime etc.To promote horticulture, floriculture, ornamented plants and non-conventional agriculture crops